Thundersley is one of the smaller churches in the Southend & Leigh Circuit. Nevertheless, the members are an enthusiastic bunch of people and went ahead with an extension to the foyer of the Church a few years ago and have recently put in a soft play area for the pre-school. The church holds coffee mornings once a week (during term time) on a Wednesday primarily for the parents of the pre-school but also members of the community. Also, the church holds a coffee morning once a month. Both have been a Warm Space last winter and are intending to do again this winter. The Afternoon Club also meets once a fortnight with speakers.
Regular community users of the building are Cub and Scouts, Hug in a Shrug(knitting and crocheting group who meet twice a week in the foyer), Zumba, Slimming World, Dog training/agility and on a Sunday afternoon we welcome Kingdom Life Chapel International who hold their own service.
Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit
Highlands Methodist Church,