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The Experience Project

The Methodist Church in Southend and Leigh launched The Experience Project in the Whittingham Avenue Estate, Southend-on-Sea, Essex. The EP will bring fresh and creative approaches, impacting the Social Justice sector.

Launched in 2020, we responded to the COVID-Pandemic by going door-to-door and delivering food to the most vulnerable in society. Out of this we have grown exponentially. We partnered with Ocado in providing fresh and cooked food to many local residents as well as a number of charities and organisations within a 30-mile radius of the Project, regularly supporting 1000 families each week.

Our long term aim is that the Whittingham Mission will become a technological creative hub that presents an opportunity for the development of young people's aspirations.

Children will Experience being drawn OUT and Projected IN to a futuristic immersive, creative and educational environment where time, space and limitations are UP to your imagination. This will be achieved through the medium of AR/VR/XR (mixed realities).

The Experience Project is delighted and grateful to have received funding given by the National Lottery to help our community outreach. We are also extend our deepest gratitude to Ocado who support our food distribution.

Please see below for our newsletter articles (click pdf file), a video and photographs of our work.

ep quotes

lottery community fund logo


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Registered Charity No. 1134248

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Highlands Methodist Church,

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