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Methodist Circuit

Memory Worship at Wesley

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Memory Worship at Wesley Methodist is a space where people with or without dementia, can approach God, worship and feel God's caring presence.

What is Memory Worship and Who is it For?

Memory Worship is held monthly using a consistent and informed group of volunteers.

Worship can be a channel for recalling the past, creating feelings of comfort, familiarity and spiritual fulfilment. We all have a continuing need to worship and experience a loving encounter with God and the afternoon takes a regular pattern of welcome; singing well know hymns, reading familiar passages of scripture and saying the Lord's Prayer together.

Following the service which last for 30 minutes, the afternoon then leads in to a craft activity and hospitality, which provide an opportunity for conversation to reinforce the theme of the service.

Everyone is welcome.

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Registered Charity No. 1134248

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Southend & Leigh Methodist Circuit
Highlands Methodist Church,

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